
Boshra Writes

Boshra Writes

In the Chrysalis

Entangled by our own making we squirm,
fighting off fever,
and the madness of crowds,
with masks that engulf our senses
and cut us off from each other

But this has been the way
for generations of man
the entanglements and re-openings
the dissolving
into imaginal cells
into darkness that permeates

It is only then that
we dissolve
into a sticky lump,
breaking down into a mush of cells
in solitary confinement

No more squirming
no more self-aggrandizement mark this territory –
Biology and God
take over

Imagining forms of light
the tangled chrysalis
becomes the arena
for faith, and hope, and betterment

Emerging one wing at a time,
the butterfly emerges from past pain –
and flutters its wings
and flies away …

This poem appeared first on Together Apart by HBKU Press.