The Female Voice – Surrogate Colony on Audible

The Audible version of Surrogate Colony is now available. Why did I chose Elizabeth Peterson, a female, as the voice actress? The answer is that there is an issue with representation in literature, especially Science Fiction, Cyberpunk literature. Science Fiction is dominated by male voices and male characters. In my debut novel, Surrogate Colony, which […]

Surrogate Colony is a dystopian, post pandemic novel that is really a cautionary tale about the dangers of technology. I just read this morning that Bill Gates believes that by 2024 we’ll be having interviews and meetings in the “metaverse” . To me this is deeply disturbing, and quite cerebral to the point of nausea. […]
My Interview with USA Today Best Seller, DelSheree Gladden

Here’s a fun and and funny interview I had with DelSheree the other day. Below is the transcript: When did you begin writing stories? It’s a really embarrassing thing to share, but I began writing out of childhood jealousy. There was this girl in grade 1 who was just what you would classify as the […]
Guest Interview with DelSheree Gladden

You can learn a lot about a person by their career choices and I think I’ve won the lottery associating with people who write for a living. What is becoming my contribution to a meaningful life, is interviewing people like DelSheree Gladden who is a dynamic and interesting person, as well as a USA Today […]
The Ties that Bind

There is a sickening dysfunction in complacency and silence. That’s why writers write, artists paint or draw, musicians sing loudly; crescendoing the music despite the complicity and collusion of our tuned out world. They thrive on the edge of normalcy. It’s scary stuff being different. Having a story to tell; a muse that won’t leave […]
The Running Writer

Running is very much like writing. It is a solitary, endurance sport. You get up at stupid o’clock, hunker down to the start line and you start putting one foot in front of the other. Or, in the case of writing, one word in front of the other. At first it is refreshing, liberating, and […]
Interview with JP McLean

What is fast becoming the most exciting aspect of book marketing is collaborating with other authors. JP McLean, a fellow Canadian author, and now a Best-Selling author, interviewed me and the outcome is quite entertaining. Check out the action below. Q: Talk about yourself. Your books. What you’ve written so far. BR: I once went […]
Living and Writing on a Small Island by JP McLean

Denman Island is the place I call home. It’s one of the northern Canadian Gulf islands nestled between mainland British Columbia and Vancouver Island. We are ferry dependent with a population of 1100 and known for our breathtaking scenery and artistic communities. At just fifty square kilometres, you can drive around the entire island in […]
Words that Alter, Words that Pierce

Writing must pierce. Being a writer is like sitting on the table for your first tattoo, or earring, or nose ring. The searing needle burning into your skin, the drop of blood a symbol of what you’ve done. Your body is forever altered. And the way the world sees you has also changed. You’ve […]
A Utopia in Dystopia

One of the goals of Dystopian literature is to satisfy. Satisfaction is where every “utopia contains a dystopia, and every dystopia contains a utopia”. Ishleen Singh, an author and reviewer on Reedsy Discovery, used the word “satisfy” to describe the dystopian world created in Surrogate Colony. She felt a sense of justice, or reward, for […]